Friday, 3 December 2010

Wednesday 24th November 2010

As this day did not exist for me this year I thought I would pay it tribute as the title of this blog.
21 hours ahead of LA- I arrived in Nadi at 5.15am. Taxi to Nadi Bay Resort where Miss Whyte is waiting for me at the check in desk! MAN was I super happy to see her! Love you Eils! Yiippeee!!

It is so very humid here yet only 22 degrees C.
Through the tourist info- we decided to go into the mountains to the mud pools! VERY COOL! We took the local bus at 9.30am (green and white bus to Sabeto), 1 hour along a dirt road- very strange but we met some local people and they were very friendly and happy we were there :)

The manny showed us the mud pool and then the HOT SPRING temperature 72 degrees C, he then went on to tell us a story about a boy who fell into this pool, swam to the other side and got out- he was not affected by the heat and had no burn marks. Both me and Eilidh looked at eachother- surely he's joking and wont make us go in!! it was SCOLDING hot!!
he then laughed it off! THANK GOD- I was thinking it might have been one of those walk on hot coals type of things! Jeese!
The man then took us to the other hot spring- 35 degrees- MUCH better! This is where we would wash our mud off.

After our marvellous mud bath, me and Eilidh continued for sometime lathering ourselves up and had a bit of a mud fight! We were mud monsters! LOL! It was hillarious!
It was so beautiful with the scenery- like something out of 'Lost'. Lots of foliage.

After our mud pool and hot spring fun- we were given some yummy mangoes! Then we walked to some 'gardens'- this turned out to be a VERY VERY bad idea! the humidity was hurrendous, and we were eaten alive by mosquitos! AAHHHHHHHHHHHhh!!!! We both must have had at least 50 bites each- MINIMUM!

Later- cocktails for dinner- prawn curray and baked lemon cheesecake - living the dream eh?! haha! minus the mozzie bites :(

Listened to some music, the staff sang for us and we tryed Kava- a local drink made from a root of a tree that makes your tongue go numb! haha! its supposed to make you feel chilled out! We both liked this a lot! haha!

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